Print This Page Please answer the following questions to establish which pinhole detection system fits your requirements Our Series IV pinhole detectors can be ordered as manual or automatic detection systems. The simple difference between the two is: the automatic pinhole detector automatically tracks the strip edge while the manual unit tracks the strip edge after it is attached to your edge guides. 1. Confirmation of line voltage: 50 Hz 60 Hz 2. Is this unit for a cut-to-length line or a continuous length line? ---cut-to-length linecontinuous length line 3. Do you currently have a PHD (pinhole detector)? Does the pinhole detector you are currently using have side guides?---Yes, PHD with side guidesYes, PHD without side guidesNo, I do not yet have a pinhole detector 4. If automatic shutters are required –would they be ¼” standard gap or ½” wide gap? ---automatic shutters not required¼” standard gap½”standard gap 5. What is the maximum and minimum width of the strip that will be inspected by the pinhole detector? 6. What is the maximum and minimum strip thickness that will be inspected by the pinhole detector? 7. Does the strip have a lot of bounce to it on the line? Yes No 8. What would the distance be, between the Power Panel and the pinhole detector on the line? Our pinhole detector comes with 20 feet of custom cable. Longer lengths are available for an additional charge. 9. What is speed of your line in feet per minute or meters per minute? 10. What type of material is being inspected? 11. What are the maximum and minimum size holes to be inspected? 12. Which direction do you want your light source to open? Facing the Setup Panel with the meter on it, which direction do you want the strip material to be fed into the pinhole detector? ---Right to left (standard)Left to right If we know which way your material feeds into the pinhole detector we can build the PHD so that the light source can be lifted out of the way while feeding the material. 13. Where on the line will the PHD be located? Ex: after the looper and before the shear? 14. What is the time frame in which you need the pinhole detector? 15. What is the address where the pinhole detector will be shipped? By answering the questions above you can help us to insure that you will receive the correct pinhole detection system for your manufacturing process. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) SEMS AdminQuestionnaire08.07.2014